I am participating in food blogging marathon and I was preparing samosa as my entry for the same event. Suddenly out of the blue, this incident came to my mind and I could not restrain myself from sharing this small incident which happened years back.
It was one and a half years after our marriage. My husband was doing his engineering in Pune at that time. Just the two of us.There is an open air theatre in the army campus. We used to go there to see movies and during intervals people used to buy samosas from the canteen there. My dear hubby would ask me, if I want to eat samosa? I would say no and he will not buy any as he never liked to eat out. ( It's our daughter who made him taste street food later on). It happened a few times.

One Sunday morning, we had gone to see a Tamil movie (I still remember the name of the movie-Thillana Mohanambal) outside the army campus. It was something very rare that they showed Tamil movie. As I was new and missing my hometown, we rushed to watch the movie. During the interval my hubby asked me if I want to eat samosa or something else. I said no. That's it. When we returned home I broke down like a child (I could not cry in the theatre openly because it was a public place). My hubby was puzzled and kept asking me as to why I was crying. Finally I told him that he should not ask me whether I want to eat samosa or not,and even if he asks and I say no, he should just go and get it. That was my expectation from him! (of course, it was just one such numerous expectations). Till today, he never understood why such a big fuss about samosa! You want to eat, say so otherwise say no. But of course, he does not ask that question any more. We do not come back home without having my samosa or chat ....(now the list is a long one).
After her marriage, my daughter has warned her husband about my samosa incident. Whenever we go out together with him, he does not take the risk of asking me or my daughter.He simply orders or brings them!
:) and then eats them all himself !!!
Lovely story to share Anu😀
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